Every Rwandese uses UGX70, 000 a year with better roads, education and health services while every Ugandan uses UGX23million a year with poor quality education, potholes and no medicine in hospitals according to the annual national budgets of the two countries. If we are to break it down further, Uganda government spends 328 times more money on its citizens than Rwanda government but who gets better government services?
Rwanda has a total national budget is UGX800billion with a population of 11 million people while Uganda with a population of 32 million people has a total national budget of UGX7.5 trillion. Uganda’s population is three times bigger than Rwanda. If Kagame government was managing Uganda; he would use a total budget of UGX 2.4 trillion instead of UGX7.5 trillions our Uganda government uses with better roads, quality healthcare and quality education assuming we are going by Rwanda’s rates.
Rwanda uses less money but provides better education, better roads, better health care, etc. In fact, Uganda’s ministry of health budget alone is almost equal to the whole Rwanda government national budget but there is no medicine in Uganda hospitals. Our doctors are also running to Rwanda coz of poor pay here. Our roads budget is almost as twice as the total budget of Rwanda but more and more potholes!!!
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